Stay Informed on Events and Updates!
Semi-Annual Showcase Event
Join us for our semi-annual "Showcase" Event.
All Day at the Ritz Charles in Carmel and open to the public!
Contact one of our locations to get your tickets today to join us for a fabulous dinner and a professional show by our instructors, followed by a night of even more dancing!
Semi-Annual Classic Competition
Join us for our semi-annual "Classic" Competition.
All Day at the Ritz Charles in Carmel and open to the public!
Contact one of our locations to get your tickets today to join us for a fabulous dinner and a professional show by our instructors, followed by a fun-filled night of social dancing!
Quarterly Graduation Event
Join us for our quarterly "Medal Ball" Graduations. All of our students are on a medalist system and graduate out of various levels of dancing throughout the year. This is the most rewarding event of the year, for students and teachers alike, as we commend our students graduating to the next level of their dance lives! These graduations happen every quarter at both of our locations and the theme changes each quarter. Our "Medal Balls" have a pitch-in style dinner and tons of social dancing!
Contact one of our locations to get your ticket to this amazing event today!